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Methods for Concatenating Strings in JavaScript

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There are several methods for concatenating string in javascript. Today we are going to understand 5 methods which I used and know. Lets start …

Method 1 : The plus operator (+) can be used to concatenate two strings.

For example:

let string1 = "Hello";
let string2 = "World";
let concatenatedString = string1 + " " + string2;
console.log(concatenatedString); // Output: "Hello World"

Method 2 : The concat() method can be used to join two or more strings together.

For example:

let string1 = "Hello";
let string2 = "World";
let concatenatedString = string1.concat(" ", string2);
console.log(concatenatedString); // Output: "Hello World"

The concat() function is not commonly used due to the potential for errors. This can occur if concat() is applied to an array, resulting in unexpected behavior. It’s recommended to use the + operator instead unless there is a specific reason to use concat().

Method 3 : The template literals (backtick) can also be used to concatenate strings.

For example:

let string1 = "Hello";
let string2 = "World";
let concatenatedString = `${string1} ${string2}`;
console.log(concatenatedString); // Output: "Hello World"

Method 4 : You can also use the Array.join() method.

For example:

let string1 = "Hello";
let string2 = "World";
let concatenatedString = [string1, string2].join(" ");
console.log(concatenatedString); // Output: "Hello World"

Method 5 : You can also use the spread operator to concatenate strings.

For example:

let string1 = "Hello";
let string2 = "World";
let concatenatedString = [...string1, ...string2].join(" ");
console.log(concatenatedString); // Output: "Hello World"

All of these methods will achieve the same result, but the plus operator and concat() method are the most commonly used.

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